Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Err de Toilet

I finally made it to Kyoto! I even got a fancy little room at a hostel. It's as wide as I am tall, and covered in expensive tatami mats. It also comes with one confusing feature...


My wife called me and told me to head to Kyoto. I can get there with my rail pass - I just need to find a bus or train... Or a hot-spring public bath!


I gave up when I found this lovely little river to rest near. That's when I finally got a call on this newfangled phone I bought! I now know where my wife is, and more importantly: where -I- am!

Lost (and not in Translation!)

A smarter guy than myself once said "I shoulda taken a left turn at Albuquerque." I think following tourists will get me back to a big city - but which one? I got to 'purify' myself at this temple island, which also has lovely deer on it.

Mystery Shinkansen

The address I was given turns out to be a train station. I was told to show up there by 2pm. I guess it's time to take one of those famous 'bullet trains' I've heard so much about. (They're called "Shinkansen" by the locals.)

Tokyo Streets

Finding an address in Tokyo is hard! Lots of stuff is in this moon-scratch they call 'Kanji', and the stuff I CAN read is confusing. I was able to find a 'konbini', which is what they call corner stores here. That's actually a local approximation of 'convenience' as in 'convenience store' Thank goodness for the Americanization of the world!